has new versions of these tools available for US,ZZ,EN,DE,FR,IT,NO&PL. Keep safe! Get your vaccine or wear a mask for the next few years :)
Enter the amount of fp invested in each ranked slot
Verify or Enter total invested FP for Working Level
4.Fill Options
Percent - Expects a percentage based rate specified in the rate column, this percent is based on the base fp reward for the slot. A value of 190 would be the base reward fp + 90%
25-20-10 - Is a common in guild pattern where #1 slot gets a 25fp discount from 190%, so 190%-25fp. Then 20fp discount for #2 slot, and 10fp discount for #3 slot. The rate is not needed with this type
1FP per 100 - Some very kind awesome friends of mine were able to offer me this while I was leveling my arc because they happened to have a nice stash of fp
190% + FP - This is a specific amount of fp added to 190% of the fp reward. Rate is the amount of fp
190% - FP - This is a specific amount of fp subtracted from 190% of the fp reward. Rate is the amount of fp
FP per BP - Some folks used this for slots #4 and/or #5 when it doesn't offer a fp reward, rate specified is the fp per base reward bp's for the slot
MAX(190%, FP per BP) - Uses the higher value of 190% of the fp reward or fp rate per base blueprint reward
190% or FP per BP - This method is basically if there is no fp reward, then use the defined rate per bp, but if there is a reward then it uses 190% automatically
190% + FP per BP - This method adds the rate per blueprint to 190% of the fp reward, rate specified is the fp per base reward bp's for the slot
FP - Expect exactly the specified amount of FP
Need another option? Ping me maybe I'll add it (test3r on a)
Owners Savings
Expected Cost
Current Cost
Next Level
Next 3 Levels
Next 5 Levels
Next 10 Levels
Introduction to this tool
This tool was built to assist you with leveling your own greatbuildings in Forge of Empires but you could also use it to help a friend figure out what they need to do.
While using a general calculator or your head to figure out allll the math involved with figuring out what a 180% drop should be for a specific slot, and then for the other 4 slots... Then
calculating how much fp you need to drop total for that level or how much to drop to lock in the slot positions... this tool helps eliminate calculation errors (hopefully) and makes it mind numbingly easy
to do these calculations... all you have to do is plugin up to 2-6 numbers and have your fill options configured and this tool does the rest! There is even a copy button to help you advertise to potential contributors.
Here are a few things this calculator will do for you...
Calculate the amount of FP needed to level a specific gb & level
Calculate the rewards for each slot on a specific gb & level... and even those rewards at a specific contribution boost percentage(lets say +90% boost)
Determine how much fp you can save with the different fill options that your friends may be contributing at
If they have filled the slot in full
How much fp you need to drop to determine which slots are locked
At the very bottom you'll even see that if the next levels go by the same fill option settings how much it will cost to do the next level, 3, 5, or 10s more! PARTYYYYYYYY!!!
And it will save your data into your local browser for the next time you pull it up
Introduction to leveling your gbs with the 190% approach
(Pro gb levelers can skip this page ... or help me re-type it, hahaha)
This tool was built to assist you with leveling your own greatbuildings in Forge of Empires but you could also use it to help a friend.
Lets get started in how this works... typically after you gain quite a few levels(maybe 15?) on one of your great buildings it makes sense to stop doing FP Swaps on that great building.
Why? It's simple with the help of friends or guildmates who have a level 80 Arc or greater they can contribute a signifigant amount to your greatbuildings without losing any forge points!! As an example,
The Arc Level 20 takes 1,242fp to level... now if you swap to level that or do it yourself, it ends up costing you 1,242!
Let's instead get some help from some friends who have level 80 arcs... if you don't have any... MAKE SOME! I'll skip some negotiating details here but lets say you got 3 friends who agreed to give you
180% for Slots 1-3, and you got 2 friends who don't have much fp but agreed to give you 190% or "5fp per bp" because they are looking to build an Arc also. So if you total that up on a level 20 Arc that will
come out to 803 FREE forge points!!! Given you need to guarantee to those people those slots by locking them in, or repaying them if they got sniped(which actually saves you fp because whatever the sniper dropped
becomes additional overall savings... but dont get people sniped on purpose thats just rude.). Now the remainder of the level YOU are responsible for by self donating... NOT swapping!! because when you self donate
it doesn't bump other players out of their slots... so in the end you drop in ONLY 439fp... and BOOOM! You just gained a level! 439fp instead of 1242fp is a great deal... do you think your going to make 803fp profit
off 439fp swapping?! Don't think so... and you even get MORE savings as the level's increase!
PS. If you disconnect your arc now it looks like they "fixed" it so you no longer receive your arc bonus... so I wouldn't recommend doing that anymore unless your currently not contributing to any other gbs or sniping.
Select your GB & Level
Selecting your gb and level is obviously easy, but there are a few additional things to know.
Any data entered into the page will always be tied to that gb & levels data! So if you are on the wrong gb or wrong level
with you fill in your information... sorry your going to have to enter it again when you reselect the accurate gb & level.
The reason for this is because it may take days to level your gb and everytime you come back to this page I dont think it makes sense to start from scratch.
Your entered data and settings in this sheet are current only stored in your local browser, so if you use a different browser
or clear your local session data... you'll lose your saved data here... maybe in the future I'll save the data to a server.
Selected Level is intended to be the level you are working on, to me this makes completele sense if your entering data for level 20, its actually for level 20, some users that look at their CURRENT level maybe
more comfortable with the "19 -> 20" text just under the level selector... this means level 20 still but also describes that you are going from level 19 that you already completed to level 20 as sometimes this can be confusing.
Enter the GB Owners FP
Yet another simple task, if your the GB owner, put the current total fp you've dropped for this level. But someone might want to know WHY?!
Because this value is required to determine how much you've spend, how much more you need to spend, and to determine lock information.
Enter the current rank drops
The simple version of this step is just to enter the amount of fp dropped on the gb in order #1, #2, etc... until the boxes gray out... you dont have to enter the drops for the gray boxes (unless you dont play on providing an accurate current level progress in the next step)
You may ask your self, WHY when I enter lets say 7fp for #1 does the value get placed as lets say the 6th slot?! Because for every value you enter the program matches the values up to each slots expected drop value, if the amount does not equal or exceed the slots expected value it will drop down in rank.
The reason you need to enter the drops until the boxes gray out is simple... the last entered drop does not equal or exceed the expected drop of the last slot on the gb...
Why potentially do you have to enter a 6th slot, when there are only 5 slots!? Because entering the first value after the last slot on the gb is used to calculate the locks, any value after that is irrelevant
By the way, whats that little arrow button? this button shifts all the numbers from that box over to the right, so if someone new made a drop higher then some current drops you can shift them all down and fill in the new drop
Enter the current progress of the gb level
Ideally this is automatically calculated for you (based on the ownerfp+rankdrops) and you just need to confirm it matches the total fp currently dropped on the gb level. If not please correct this value.
You may ask your self, WHY again.... ugh... its because this value is used when calculating accurate locks when drops are on the gb that do not meet the lowest expected slot value. It also is used to accurately calculate the remaining fp on the level and how much for you to currently level the gb.
Configure the fill options
The fill options depend on what you have negotated with your friends or mates for drops, typically after you have leveled your arc to level 80 all slots become 190% of the base fp reward. This value will automatically be calculated and populated in the "expected" column.
Fill Options
Percent - Expects a percentage based rate specified in the rate column, this percent is based on the base fp reward for the slot. A value of 190 would be the base reward fp + 90%
25-20-10 - Is a common in guild pattern where #1 slot gets a 25fp discount from 190%, so 190%-25fp. Then 20fp discount for #2 slot, and 10fp discount for #3 slot. The rate is not needed with this type
1FP per 100 - Some very kind awesome friends of mine were able to offer me this while I was leveling my arc because they happened to have a nice stash of fp
190% + FP - This is a specific amount of fp added to 190% of the fp reward. Rate is the amount of fp
190% - FP - This is a specific amount of fp subtracted from 190% of the fp reward. Rate is the amount of fp
FP per BP - Some folks used this for slots #4 and/or #5 when it doesn't offer a fp reward, rate specified is the fp per base reward bp's for the slot
MAX(190%, FP per BP) - Uses the higher value of 190% of the fp reward or fp rate per base blueprint reward
190% or FP per BP - This method is basically if there is no fp reward, then use the defined rate per bp, but if there is a reward then it uses 190% automatically
190% + FP per BP - This method adds the rate per blueprint to 190% of the fp reward, rate specified is the fp per base reward bp's for the slot
FP - Expect exactly the specified amount of FP
Need another option? Ping me maybe I'll add it (test3r on a)
The rewards are obviously what someone will win per slot, but there is some extra information here above the standard that I have found useful.
You can set a contribution bonus modifier on the rewards and it will display the total rewards with that modifier most prominently remember this is as the UI suggests +X% so if your arc is providing +90% thats what you would put here, not 190%. This modifier will be saved generally for any gb or level you bring up so you dont have to modify it for every time you switch levels
So the large number is the total with the bonus, and in the parentesis you'll find the base reward(in black) + the amount the bonus provides(in green). The base reward being as if you had no bonuses that's what would be won.
Review the summary data
In the summary you'll find a bunch of useful data, one tip is you can mouse over the label (like "EXPECTED COST") and you'll see a tool tip with some basic information about how it was calculated if your looking for that information.
Two key fields here to look at are Expected Cost and Current cost...
Remaining - Duh, the amount of fp remaining on the level... if you decided to correctly enter the current progress
Half - Remaining / 2, depending on why you need to look at this value, round up if it ends with 0.5 and your using it for some kinda lock
Owner Savings - The right side of this is the total of the expected column, the left side is the current savings your saving by not swapping
Expected Cost - This is to reflect your TOTAL expected cost for level including what you have already dropped. The right side of the expected cost is always the remainder of the level after the expected fp total is subtracted, this is the true total expected value IF everything goes according to plan. If something doesn't go according to plan like some extra people drop fp in saving your more fp(I call this unexpected fp), that will be reflected on the left side of the expected cost
Current Cost - This is intended to reflect how much MORE you are expected to drop for the level on top of what you have already dropped. The right side of the current cost is always the same value as the left side of the expected cost, to show how far you are along in reaching that total. The left side of the current cost is the expected remainder of fp your currently expected to drop when all the expected drops are in place.
Next Level - This is pretty cool, it calculates your total expected cost for next level if it's using the same fill options currently selected. So maybe you want to schedule some people to do back to back flips! PARRRRRTTTYYY!!!
Next 3 Level - Continue the party for 3 levels! Your total expected cost for the next 3 levels.
Next 5 Level - WOOOOOOOO keep the party going for 5 levels! Your total expected cost for the next 5 levels.
Next 10 Level - TURN DOWN FOR WHATTTTT party for 10 levels! Your total expected cost for the next 10 levels.
Share and advertise
I provided a few buttons that will load up your clipboard so you can paste the data somewhere else...
Share Link - This will make a URL containing all the data configured on the page. This is useful if your trying to help someone get started using this web sheet
Slot Rewards - Copy to the clipboard the current rewards like so...
Drop requirements and Rewards - This is an extension to the last button, but this time it includes the configured expected values like so...
The Arc lvl 20 (0/1242)
#1 Please Drop 459fp to win: 255fp 6469m 5bp
#2 Please Drop 234fp to win: 130fp 3235m 4bp
#3 Please Drop 81fp to win: 45fp 1617m 3bp
#4 Please Drop 19fp to win: 10fp 647m 2bp
#5 Please Drop 10fp to win: 0fp 323m 2bp
Need another button, let me know some good suggestions!
Pass this site along to a friend its not a secret
Made this for mainly other people that need help leveling their gbs and it saves some time with the calculations, so feel free to share it with a friend or your guild.
-test3r (only on Arvahall)
PS: if you want to see this guide again, click the